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tv   America This Morning  ABC  July 10, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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this morning, a dead heat. >> new numbers show a tie in the presidential race. romney on the rise with the voters and the big-money donors, outraising the president by millions. security surprise. parents arrested after sending their newborn through the x-ray machine. we have the photos. speedy settlement. no drownout divorce for tomkat. they agreed what the do with suri and scientology. and hot pursuit. a pop star car full of paparazzi. >> what's your name? justin. >> the 911 tapes just released.
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good tuesday morning. i'm sunny hostin. >> i'm rob nelson. we begin with the race for the white house. and exactly 17 weeks from election day. it is locked in a dead heat. >> that's right. our new abc news poll has just been released. and it lays out the challenges both candidates face. our abc's tahman bradley joins us from washington with the latest. good morning, tahman. >> reporter: good morning, sunny. good morning, rob. it looks like it will be one for the ages. we are four months from the election. and the new poll shows a dead heat. as the race ramps up in a couple races. the contest is dead-even. president obama and mitt romney are tied among registered voters nationally. but the poll shows troubling news for the president. 63% believe the country is heading in the wrong direction. after another slow month for job growth, president obama is renewing his look on taxes,
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vowing to extend tax cuts for the middle-class. and raising taxes for those that make more than $250,000 a year. >> folks like me, we don't need a tax cut. that will help pay down our deficit. >> reporter: the president is personally calling on his opponent to release his tax returns. saying it's important for him to be an open book. romney says he has nothing to hide. >> all the taxes are paid, as appropriate. all of them have been reported to the government. there's nothing hidden there. >> reporter: the new poll shows most americans continue to disapprove of president obama's handling of the economy. and more than half fault him on health care and immigration. still, 58% expect him to win a second term. voters' dissatisfaction with the president's performance in office is keeping the race close. but the poll found that romney has not been able to overcome the president's strong personal popularity. sunny and rob?
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>> tahman bradley breaking down the numbers for us, live from washington. thanks, tahman. the race itself is timed, the race to raise money is not. the romney campaign raised a whopping $106 million in june. his pest month so far. president obama's campaign trailed pretty badly. raising just about $71 million. money of a different sort now. $1 million being offered for information leading to the capture of four fugitives. they are wanted for the killing of a u.s. border patrol agent. brian terry was killed in december 2010, in a shoot-out with bandits near the u.s./mexico border. the case is linked to the gun smuggling operation, known as "fast and furious." and after their plane went down in a combat mission in southeast asia, six airmen were laid to rest. they were curried in a single
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casket in arlington national cemetery. they were last heard on christmas eve, 1965, when they sent out a may day call over laos. 15-year-old tyler madoff was washed out to see after he stopped to rest in a tide pool. his parents said the tour guide showed poor judgment and no staff members stayed behind to search for their son. they described tyler as a remarkable young man. >> tyler, we love you, from the bottom of our hearts. you're the best of your mother. and you are the best of me. you brought smiles and joy to everybody. >> the tour company owner says all of his guides are certified and qualified. and they went above and beyond the call of duty. tyler's body has not been recovered. overseas, some parents are
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in big trouble after trying to smuggle their own child. the egyptian couple arrived in the united arab emirates on friday but they didn't have a visa for their newborn son. so, they tried to smuggle him on in their carry-on. that was the image that screeners saw. the couple were arrested and charged with endangering their baby. look at that. >> unbelievable. the first half of 2012 has been labeled the hottest six months in the nation's history. and now, on track to become the warmest calendar year ever. more than 24,000 heat records have already been shattered since january. and 170 all-time record highs were broken or tied in the month of june alone. and speaking of the weather, cleanup is still under way in fredericksburg, virginia, after a powerful storm obliterated a dance studio filled with cheerleaders. it wasn't a tornado. it was a microburst, which is a downdraft of hurricane-source winds that hit the ground and
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spread in every direction. no children were hurt in the incident. two injured parents are expected to be okay. you can blame the heat for soaring corn prices. the agriculture department says the condition of corn is deteriorating in 18 states. and with corn in so many products that we buy, that could mean a higher grocery bill for all of us. amazing the ripple effects the weather can have. >> it really is amazing. time, now, for a look at weather across the country on your tuesday morning. we have some monsoon storms and flooding from albuquerque to denver. also, thunderstorms across much of texas, the south and florida. scattered showers from the carolinas, up to the nation's capital. also, a chance of showers around st. louis, des moines and omaha. >> mostly 80s from the western plains to the northeast. 90s in the rockies and from dallas to atlanta. 112 in phoenix. coming up next after the break, the mad scramble after a popular pain reliever is pulled off the shelves.
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what a bottle of excedrin is getting on the black market. and starbucks. the chain today. and there's no place like home. the all-star slugger who crushed it at the home run derby.
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welcome back, everybody. well, gas prices are heading up again. they've increased 6 cents just in the past week. now, the national average is about $3.61 a gallon. that is still 23 cents a gallon
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less than a year ago. and big news from europe overnight. spain's banks are getting a bailout. in the wee hours finance ministers agreed to a package of at least $37 million by the end of the month with more to come. europe's debt crisis has been a drag on other countries, as such as the u.s., because it cuts into exports. overseas markets are lower despite the deal in sane. tokyo's nikkei average is down 39 points. in london, the ftse opened lower. and on wall street, the dow fell 36 points yesterday. the nasdaq incorrection slipped six. there's now five automakers among the world's 50-most profitable companies. that's quite a change from just three years ago, when the auto industry was road kill, due to the recession. "forbes" now says the five are toyota, volkswagen, general motors, daimler, and ford.
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dutch shell is number one on the global 500 list. it's something to be proving of an excedrin headache. it's six months since the painkiller was pulled from store shelves. and some migraine sufferers say nothing else works. there's no explanation why it's not back in stores just yet. and starbucks starts selling its own energy drinks in its coffee shops today. these refreshers will be available in three formats, made by baristas and powders. refreshers have been available for a bit in supermarkets. >> another reason for us to give starbucks some money. an eye-opener in hollywood. a record payday for an actress. there's word out there that scarlett johansson is being offered 20 million bucks to star as black widow in "the avengers
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2." that stops the $19 million angelina jolie made for "the tourist." that $20 million can justify that. >> big business. "the amazing spider-man" the way that did. >> star joe? >> futuristic. when we come back, done deal. how tom cruise and katie holmes hammered out a divorce settlement with surprising speed. a teenage girl jumped from this ride at the jersey shore. [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or, "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology,
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and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you sa. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call.
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[♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. frightening moments on the jersey shore. a new jersey teenager panicked when the power went out on a
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beachfront chair lift ride, as a thunderstorm rolled in. the screaming 17-year-old jumped to the sand below. fortunately, she only suffered minor bruises. she said she freaked out because she was afraid she'd be hit by lightning. >> hard to blame her. taking a look at morning road conditions on tuesday. wet highways across florida to texas and oklahoma. flooded roads in the four corners region, from denver to albuquerque. >> if you're flying, airport delays are possible in houston, charlotte and memphis. now, hollywood news this morning. a surprise announcement that tom cruise and katie holmes have settled their divorce in less than two weeks. no one expected that. >> that's right. holmes remains here in new york with daughter suri. and cruise has just returned to california, where he's shooting a movie. abc's brandy hit has all the detail details. >> a media frenzy, a settlement has been reeged.
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holmes' attorney said in a statement, the case has been settled and the agreement has been signed. we are thrilled for katie and her family. and are excited to watch as she embarks on the next chapter of her life. while details of the divorce have not been released. >> tom is a private star. he doesn't want to drag his family through the mud. and both of them care about suri. >> holmes had request custody of suri. according to cruise's strong ties to the church of scientology and the possible influence on suri may have been involved in the split. both sides say we want to keep matters affecting our family private and express our respect for each other's commitments to each of our respective beliefs. cruise has not seen suri since holmes filed for divorce. but insiders say that's about to change. >> tom's going to have time with
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the child. and katie's going to have time with the child. exactly how that timeshare will go, we don't know. >> the two were working on an arrangement, while holmes lives with suri in new york. >> there are restrictions on what tom and katie can discuss on the subject of religion, including scientology. however, those restrictions are eased as she gets a little bit older. new york city is taking downsizing to a whole, new level. the mayor is challenging developers to come up with apartments measuring, get this, no more than 300 square feet. not much bigger than a dormroom. the tiny units would be one answer to the growing population of single city dwellers and empty-nesters. >> only in this town. and from the small to the monumental, the washington monument will remain closed until 2014, to repair damage done by that earthquake last august. during the quake, the top of the
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monument whiplashed and cracked severely. the heaviest damage is about 500 feet up. baseball's all-star game is tonight. and the team that wins guarantees the league advantage in the world series. as for the highlights, we get those from espn. >> good morning. i'm hakem dermish, with your "sportscenter" update. state farm home run derby in kansas city. jose bautista. 27 home runs. tied for the most at the break. finishes with 11 in the first round. mark trumbo to the plate. first home run derby. six of the last seven winners have been lefties. maybe it's prince fielder. longest home run of the ground. 454 feet into the fountain. fielder won in 2009 in st. louis. defending champ, robinson cano.
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he didn't select billy butler to compete. cano, the first player to win the derby and hit zero in the following season. fielder up, bombs it to center, 476 feet. 11 in the second round. mark trumbo stepping up again. the cop makes the bare. handed catch. he gives it away to a fan, he falling out of his chair to the shrubs. joey needs two. fielder hits one to center. the base of the fountain. bautista, last up. deep to left. 438 feet. but would it be enough? it's enough to get out. not enough to win. fielder wins the state farm home run derby with 28 home runs. wednesday night, the best in sports and entertainment gather at the kodak theater in los
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angeles. hosted by rob riggle. you can see it at 9:00 eastern, on espn. >> taught those guys everything they know. coming up next this morning, "the pulse," and bieber fever, meets 911. you'll hear the pop star on the phone with paparazzi on the prowl. and secrets revealed. the chef showing you how to re-create a big mac at home. special sauce and all. i was living with this all-over pain. a deep, throbbing, persistent ache.
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my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can do more of the things that i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain, i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain.
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ask your doctor if lyrica is right are a sizzling deal, starting at 6 bucks. try our new lunch-size chicken fajitas, sauteed onions and peppers topped with grilled chicken, served with soup or salad. chili's lunch break combos, starting at 6 bucks.
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time to check "the pulse" this morning, beginning with the latest on justin bieber's run-in with the law and the paparazzi. >> the 18-year-old superstar told police in los angeles that he was being aggressively chased by photographers friday. a freeway encounter that reached speeds of 100 miles per hour. the biebs called 911 himself. and the dramatic tapes were posted online by tmz. the pop star afraid to give his real name. >> do you know the people who are following you? >> no, i don't. they're driving really reckless. they will not stop following me. >> what's your name? >> justin. >> what's your last name? >> johnson. they're swerving around other cars. >> bieber is waiting to see if he'll face charges with sot confrontation with a photographer back in may. >> hard to imagine that happened in such a low-profile car.
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some people are professional athletes and some of us are now. here's one reason you are not an nba star. that's tyson chandler on the cover of the "espn" body issue. >> it feels anna tunecliff, letting it hang out onboard her boat. >> and 23-year-old surfer, maya gabiera. wearing nothing but her surfboard. it's a celebration of the athletic form. and includes 27 athletes in all. god bless them. ever wonder what goes into making that big mac? well, an executive chef from mcdonald's in canada, is demonstrating the fine art of putting together one of america's favorite sandwiches. >> he shows you how to put it all together. >> hungry. for some of you, now, local
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>> hungry. for some of you, now, local news, coming up next. m and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. my name is sunshine and i have three beautiful girls. i like taking advil® for a headache. it nips it in the bud. and i can be that mommy that i want to be. ♪ [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. but what about your wrinkles? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula visibly reduces wrinkles in one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®.
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updating the top stories. our new abc poll shows the race for the white house is now a dead heat. with president obama and mitt romney both at 47%. $1 million is being offered for information leading to the capture of four fugitives accused of killing a u.s. boarder patrol agent. brian terry was killed back in december of 2010. the first half of the year is one for the record books. the hottest six months in u.s. history. more than 24,000 record highs have been shattered since january. a look at weather, now. pop-up showers in d.c., virginia and the carolinas. thunderstorms from florida to texas. flooding, monsoon storms from albuquerque to denver. and heating up in the southwest and in the rockies. and finally from us this morning, a washington state boy sprang into action after his father suffered a medical emergency. >> he worked with 911
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dispatchers to save his father's life. here's keith eldridge with our station in seattle. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> reporter: it's a call that comes into 911 all the time. ellen thought it might be a child playing with the phone. >> my dad's sick. >> your dad's sick? >> yeah. >> i thought, oh, great. there's a little boy that just learned to call 911 and he's playing. >> reporter: but 5-year-old quincy hall wasn't playing. his dad, chris hall, suffered a grand mall seizure. >> i called the doctor. i called the doctor, daddy. >> then, he dropped the phone. and you could hear him tell his daddy that, it's okay, i called the doctor for you. oh, no. this is for real. >> reporter: quincy did the right thing for calling 911. it was on a cell phone. so, the crew used technology to
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zero it in. lisa started tracking the latitude and longitude coordinates from the signal. they were getting a general location. ellen tracked the cell number and found it had been used in previous energy calls. they got an exact address in three minutes. aid arrived in eight minutes. chris hall survived. for his part in saving his dad's life, quincy was center stage at an awards ceremony. there's a reason he knew how to call 911. >> because chris has a seizure disorder, i have taught them how to call 911. >> did you call 911 by yourself? >> reporter: and that's all this pint-sized hero would say. but his actions on that day spoke louder than his words. >> wow. great story. >> smart little boy. that's what's making news in america this morning. >> stay with us for "good


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